6 Days (Saturday) and counting
Time to do security overhaul of clothing
Just for the record - we did intense research on the 'Pickpocket' problem and solution before deciding on our course of action
The easiest solution would have been to buy ready to go pickpocket proof clothing.
The company making the best pants needs new management as they can't deliver their product in a timely fashion. We searched out the best pants and shirts and after many attempts at finding the perfect items for us (and many returns) we find ourselves here at our own pickpocket factory
The Process begins:
- Search out Velcro stashes (bits and pieces from the past)
- Search out thread resembling pants colors for Ernie and Sherrie
- Go get sister-in-law Marge's stash of thread and Velcro
- Go to Michael's to get more selection
Go to Costco to get help with new progressive sun glasses which focus great for reading but not so great for distance as opposed to regular progressive glasses with focus great for distance and not at all for reading! I'm told my brain has to adjust - this should be interesting.
Back home - Ernie is cleaning garage so we can put a car in
We put old queen bed at street hoping someone will take it
No luck
Starts to drizzle
Cover old queen bed
Sun is out
Uncover old queen bed
Drizzle again
Move old queen bed back into garage
Make calls for pickup
Not possible before we leave
Bulk trash Tuesday is looking good
The Process continues:
- My pockets are too small to be useful but stick out so sew them shut
- Ernie's pockets are big and perfect for a pickpocket hence the Velcro project ..2 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of pants - how hard can it be
- Set up sewing machine
- On inspection realize it has a quilting foot on it (the size of Big Foot)
- Ok - I can do this, just remove it and put the regular one on
- So after removing it, I see the thing-a-ma-jig that holds the presser foot isn't there
- Ok - must have put it in the attachments box during quilting class
- After 30 minutes of searching and about to give up on the security sewing project I find it in quilting foot box at bottom of quilting project bag under 6 feet of dust that has been collecting since the last time I worked on my quilt.
- Install the foot, thread the machine (with dark grey), cut the Velcro strip
- Sew loop piece onto first pocket
- Ponder how to line up the smooth side of Velcro so it will match with the loop side
- Eat chocolate to help the process
- Pencil marks, chalk marks, nope - blue painters tape worked perfectly
- Sew the smooth piece onto the first pocket while fending off the loop piece from sticking to the mesh pocket
- All done with pocket number one except I sewed the back of the pants to the front pocket
- That's why I have a very good seam ripper
- Second pocket easier
- I bought stand-alone zipper pockets that can be sewn into cargo type pockets for extra pick-pocket security
- That was easy to install compared to the Velcro!
- Repeat steps
except replace12
with an extra13
on Ernie's second pair of pants - More searching for khaki colored thread for shorts (forgot about that when I went shopping)
- Out of my 250 spools of thread I had to settle on beige (Ernie doesn't see well enough to care)
- The shorts pockets are harder to match up the loop side of Velcro to smooth side
- Blue tape while Ernie modeled them solved the problem.
- Done with Ernie's clothes, I sewed some snaps onto my new high-tech girly money belt and Pickpocketers beware!