Tuesday June 4, 2019 Porto
- Today is no rush Tuesday
- Walk to new old market - old market is under construction so moved to new indoor location
- Stop at pharmacy on the way, forgot my retainer cleaner
- Take a number like at deli counter
- Best I could do is 3-month supply of denture cleaner, at least I think that's what I bought
- Enter market
- Time for coffee
- Find pastry stand with little tables
- No galao here, Meia de Leite (lituh long i), 1/2 milk, 1/2 coffee
- Coffee without a pastry is sacrilegious so we try Bola de Berlim com creme - donut with custard filling - yummy
- Mo stands up meaning he wants to rush on a no rush day
- Shaina drinks her leite faster
- To bus or not to bus, wait, wait, yes bus, wait, don't bus, wait, it's up to us, we bus our table
- Wander around
- Taste a few - Mo really likes the picante com pickles one, turns out to be mackerel
- Buy various types of sardines and/or mackerel
- Pass the pig section with snout, feet, head
- Pass the cow tripe section - Mo can't wait to try some - future restaurant outing
- To pig or not to pig
- We pig - with prosciutto and sausage - good salesman
- Buy cheese to go with the pig
- I hear the guy likes Ernie's beard
- He really says "It' good with beer"
- I'm getting to that age
- Good thing we have the Super Bock and Sagres
- Buy big ugly tomato, big misshapen bell pepper, biggest loquats ever, couple of figs and a chocolate bar to finish off the shopping spree
- Shaina shrieks - water bottle spill in her backpack!
- Rick Steves is slightly drowned
- Shaina's hat very drowned
- Camera survives
- Back home, unload goodies, dry out Shaina, on the move again
- Rick Steves walking tour of Portoooo not Porto
- Walk thru graffiti ally
- Pass a spooky church
- Enter train station with tile walls of history of Portugal
- Would have used WC but they make you pay!
- Walk down main avenue below city hall where all the banking takes place
- McDonald's happens to be there too
- Check it out - supposed to be really cool inside and only Portugal offers soup
- Both true and free WC
- Lunch outside at Padaria Ribeira - recommended by RS but just ok food
- Someone has to stay on pigeon watch - they attack/dive bomb if you get up or look away
- Continue on no rush Tuesday walk
- Shaina looks at map and points out church
- Looks like a department store to us
- Continue walk and come to Shaina's church
- The other church was a department store
- Pass the university with 30k students (only see maybe 20) - they wear capes like Harry Potter
- Finish upper city no rush tour and head to lower city and to river
- Pass Associacao Commercial do Porto - closed for the day but 9:00 tomorrow morning is first English tour - it's a plan
- Shaina takes us to a park with olive trees over parking garage, to hide it - park is ok, we tell her 'This is nice' (we don't see olive trees or parking garage)
- Walk a little farther and find real park with real olive trees over parking garage, to hide it
- Much nicer than non-olive tree park over fake garage
- We all relax awhile before heading to church/tower
- We do enter church, too late for noon organ recital (who knew)
- We do not climb the tower (225 steps too many, or we are just lazy)
- Porto has many buildings covered in beautiful tiles
- There are street performers, gaudy gold covered church, tacky tourist shops on picturesque streets, cat graffiti, cork store (real cork bark is waterproof, the glued particle type - not so much)
- Head to the waterfront
- Lots of cops around - big futbol match tonight or tomorrow or soon - Brits vs Portugal
- Very rowdy drinking crowd
- Walk to bridge over the Duoro River but don't cross
- Take funicular back up the hill and end up very close to our apartment
- Pass laundromat - stop in and get very specific instructions on machine usage
- I am now an expert for future use
- Back home to eat food we bought in new/old market